viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Global MBA Ranking 2015 - Harvard No.1

Harvard Business School

Rankings at a glance
Rank in 20151
Rank in 201401
Rank in 20131
3 year average rank01
Audit year2013
Alumni career progress
Salary today (US$)4,189180,183
Weighted salary (US$)1,610179,910
Salary percentage increase1796
Value for money rank2066
Career progress rank13
Aims achieved (%)84
Placement success rank933
Employed at three months (%)190 (100)
Alumni recommend rank01
Female faculty (%)225
Female students (%)041
Female board (%)050
International faculty (%)139
International students (%)135
International board (%)1226
International mobility rank840
International course experience rank153
Idea generation
Faculty with doctorates (%)190
FT doctoral rank02
FT research rank12

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